Battle of Westport: Thomas Farmhouse
Tour Stop 23 [ Waypoint = N38 57.209 W94 35.764 ]
"About 4:00 P.M. October 23, 1864, after their victory at Westport, the Union leaders met here for consultation. Included were Generals Curtis, Blunt, Pleasonton and Dietzler; Gov. Carney and Senator Jim Lane of Kansas. The Confederates had lost over 1,000 men and General Price was forced to retreat south but with his army intact. The Union also suffered heavy losses. Union leaders discussed their next step. Pursuit would be started with Blunt's and Pleasonton's Cavalry. Two days later two of Price's Division were practically destroyed at Mine Creek near Pleasanton, Kansas."
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Directions to Stop #23: Go back to State Line and turn right to get headed north. It's about 3.9 miles to the last tour stop. Take State Line north for about 3 miles and turn right (east) onto 97th Street. Go about 0.4 miles and turn left (north) onto Summit Street. Take the next right, 96th Terrace and continue on to Wornall Road. The marker is on the northwest corner of the intersection. This tour stop is located in Kansas City, Missouri 64114.
Description: It was about 2:30 P.M. on Sunday October 23rd when the federal commanders (Curtis, Pleasonton, Blunt, Dietzler, Sanborn, Governor Carney, and Senator James Lane of Kansas) met in a farmhouse located here along Indian Creek. Curtis wrote later in his official report:
"The enemy having been fairly defeated at Westport after over three days of fighting, a vigorous pursuit was necessary to prevent his taking our military posts which are located near the State line at various points between the Missouri and the Arkansas, a distance of about 300 miles."
In actuality the federal pursuit was not vigorous at all. Curtis argued for pursuit. Pleasonton argued that his division was exhausted. Dietzler and Carney argued about getting the militia home in time to vote in the upcoming 1864 elections. Finally, an agreement was reached Pleasonton and Blunt would pursue the Confederates. Curtis released the militia. The new pursuit column camped at Little Santa Fe: Tour Stop 22 on October 23rd. 12 hours after the Confederate defeat at Westport, the Federal Cavalry resumed pursuit Price had managed to get only a small distance in that 12 hours. His wagon train was slowing him down.