Sigel's Attack
Tour Stop
Location: The best way to experience this part of the tour is to drive to WCNB Tour Stop 4 [ Waypoint = N37 05.488 W93 24.387 ] and then proceed to the points of interest on foot. South of this tour stop is the Sharp's Corn Field. If you look to the southeast from here you can see the hill on which Sigel deployed Backof's Battery [ Waypoint = N37 05.022 W93 24.049 ] prior to his brigade crossing Wilson's Creek.
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If you walk along the WCNB Tour Loop Road back towards Wilson's Creek and head south through the fields be fore reaching the bridge, you can join up with one of the WCNB walking trails. It's about 350 yards south of the Tour Loop Road. Head west on this trail and you will come near the spot [ Waypoint = N37 05.340 W93 24.562 ] where Sigel's Brigade marched and went into line of battle around 7:00 A.M. on August 10th. Right where the walking trails turns to the south (going up the hill), continuing due west (off trail) for about 300 yards will bring you near Sigel's second position.
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Continuing on this trail will take you near the place where Sigel and his forces crossed Terrell Creek [ Waypoint = N37 05.007 W93 24.374 ]. After the trail turns due south it enters into a wooded area about 500 yards ahead. If you go off trail at this point and head south for about 100 yards, you should come to the park boundary. Look south and you should see Terrell Creek near the point that the Federals crossed over Terrell Creek.
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Retrace your steps to get back to the parking area at WCNB Tour Stop 4.
Description: Initially, Sigel had remained behind with Backof's Battery on the eastern side of Wilson's Creek because it provided such a good view of the confederate encampment. He had sent his infantry, one section (two guns) from Backof's Battery and one cavalry company forward to cross Wilson's Creek and Terrell Creek. Around 5:30 A.M. Sigel heard firing from the north. Believing this was the beginning of Lyon's attack, Sigel had Backof's Battery open fire on the Confederates in Sharp's Fields. Sigel left Backof's Battery on the hill to continue firing on the Confederate positions and joined up with his advancing brigade as they crossed Terrell Creek and entered the southern end of Sharp's fields.
The Confederates that were encamped around the Sharps Farm were completely surprised by Sigel's attack. The barrage had scattered the Confederates. Camped in Sharp's fields were a mixture of Confederate units from both McCulloch's and Pearce's Brigades, as well as units from the Missouri State Guard. After a while however, some of the Confederate officers were able to rally some of their men and began preparing to move south and flank Sigel's position.
Sigel had decided to consolidate his brigade's position and sent word back to have Backof's Battery rejoin the main column in the Sharps Field. By 7:00 A.M., Sigel's command had consolidated on the hill just to the southwest of where you are standing. Sigel ordered his men into line of battle. At WCNB tour Stop 4 turn and face southwest. On your left (due south of your position) would be the six artillery pieces of Backof's Battery commanded by Major Franz Backof. To the left of the battery, protecting Sigel's right flank was the Copany C of the Second US Dragoons commanded by Lieutenant Charles E. Farrand. In the center of the line was the Fifth Missouri Regiment commanded by Colonel Charles E. Salomon. On your right (due west of your position) was the Third Missouri Regiment commanded by Lt. Colonel Anslem Albert. Between 7:00 and 7:30 A.M., Sigel ordered the battery to open fire on the Confederate positions. Again the Confederates scattered under the artillery bombardment.
Feeling victory was at hand, Sigel ordered his brigade to move forward and take up position astride the Wire Road near the Sharp Farm.
Back: Sigel's Crossing
Next: Sigel's Defeat