Interpretive Sign: The Fight for lronton
Tour Stop

Description: The text on the interpretive sign:
Afternoon, Sept, 26: 1864
The Fight for Ironton
1. In the afternoon, Maj. Gen. Sterling Price's advance attacks the Federal pickets encamped at the Ironton courthouse.
2. Federal reinforcements rush from Pilot Knob. They counterattack and drive the raiders three miles to Shut-In Gap.
3. Confederate columns continue arriving,The outnumbered Federals fight a delaying action but are pushed back to Arcadia by nightfall.
4. Under cover of a rainstorm, the Federals retire to Ironton. The valley below fills with enemy camp fires. Brig. Gen. Thomas Ewing is now convinced that he faces Priced entire army. He has only 1,500 men, but decides to hold out so that St. Louis can prepare.

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