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Feb 27, 2013
Category: American Civil War
Posted by: TheMuse
theMuse has finished formatting his book, The Battle of Pilot Knob, into a print version. It is currently available in the CreateSpace store and in Amazon's Book Department The Battle of Pilot Knob (Trans-Mississippi Musings) (Volume 1)
Jan 13, 2013
Category: American Civil War
Posted by: TheMuse
theMuse has published an eBook! It is the first in a series called Trans-Mississippi Musings and is about the Battle of Pilot Knob which took place in 1864 as part of Price's Raid into Missouri.
Aug 6, 2012
Category: American Civil War
Posted by: TheMuse
A new tour has been added for the Battle of Pilot Knob. The Battle of Pilot Knob was the first major engagement between Union and Confederate forces during Price's Missouri Raid in the fall of 1864. It was the first of a number of strategic errors made by Major-General Sterling Price during his 1864 raid into Missouri.
Map of The Battle of Boonville