Battle of Pea Ridge painted by Kurz and Allison

Note: This annotated tour was inspired, in part by the Pea Ridge Battlefield Guide by Hess, Hatcher, Piston and Shea.

Pea Ridge National Military Park EntranceThe Battle of Pea Ridge took place along the Old Wire Road about 15 miles northeast of Bentonville, Arkansas 72712. A large part of of this tour takes place at the Pea Ridge National Military Park, which is located at 15930 E Highway 62, Garfield, Arkansas 72732

| Waypoints | Google Earth Placemarks (kmz) |


I order to keep the event chronology synchronized with the tour sequence, we've broken this tour up into three parts:

Confederate General Earl Van Dorn

Union General Samuel Curtis

CSA First National Flag - The Stars and Bars

US Flag 35 Stars July 1861 to July 1865

The On-line Tour articles were all written by and the photographs were all taken by theMuse.

The Muse South African