Bloody Hill Red Marker 9 - "With a loud shout for Texas"Location: Follow the trail east for about 100 yards and you should see Red Marker 9 [ Waypoint = N37 06.301 W93 24.740 ] on the left.

WCNB Description:

"Infantry and artillery units proved to be more effective than cavalry units throughout the battle for Bloody Hill. The only major cavalry assault on Bloody Hill came at about 10 A.M. when Colonel Elkana Greer's South Kansas-Texas Mounted Regiment charged the Union right side with loud 'shout for Texas!' Yelling wildly, the Southerners scattered Federal patrols in the area about 170 yards in front of you. Gathering momentum, Greer's 800 cavalrymen swept around the Union line, only to be stopped cold by the concentrated fire of the 1st Iowa Infantry and Federal artillery, which included Totten's guns. What had been a dashing charge quickly became a rout. The Confederate cavalry assault, later called 'utterly worthless' by Totten, served no purpose other than to create a diversion, allowing Price to pull his men back from their second unsuccessful assault on Bloody Hill."

For additional information, please refer to the Sokalski's Section Tour Stop.

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