Sigel's Second Brigade [28]

Franz Sigel as Brigadier-General of Federal volunteers Francis Hassendeubel, Lieutenant-Colonel of Federal volunteers

Colonel Franz Sigel, Commander

Missouri State Guard [29]

Missouri Governor Claiborne Fox Jackson

Claiborne Fox Jackson, Commander

Major-General Sterling Price was not present during the Battle of Carthage because he had headed south to enlist support from the Confederates under Brigadier-General Ben McCulloch. Although Missouri Governor Claiborne Fox Jackson was in overall command, he may have delegated operational command to Brigadier-General James Spencer Rains. If that was the case, then command of the Eighth Division would have devolved to Colonel Richard H. Weightman.

Brigadier-General John B. Clark, Sr. Brigadier-General William Y. Slack Colonel John T. Hughes

Brigadier-General Mosby Parsons Colonel Richard H. Weightman Captain Hiram M. Bledsoe

The Muse South African